5 Ways To Stay Consistent With Your Healthy Eating

Sometimes life gets in the way of our health goals - celebrations, holiday, a hormone fluctuations, stress, a bad night’s sleep or illness can all throw you off balance. 

These bumps in the road can last for a day or maybe longer but it doesn’t mean that your nutrition isn’t consistently good!

To me consistency doesn’t mean 100% perfection - it just means that you eat well for the majority of the time!

 Having a personalised nutrition plan will help to keep you consistent by giving you a framework to use to get back on track. I cover this in much more detail in my one-to-one programmes but here are a few ideas:

Make It Personal

Choose an eating plan that you enjoy and that fits in with your lifestyle. The food you eat should make you feel energised, focussed and in control of your weight.

Have a Routine

Being consistent with the timing of your meals means that you are working with your body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. This daily cycle is linked to our hormones, digestion, blood sugar regulation and even our immune system!

List of Meals

If you feel that you are slipping away from your nutrition plan having a list of healthy meal ideas stored on your phone or on a piece of paper stuck on the fridge can help to inspire you to start including more nutritious options.

Keep It Simple

If life is getting in the way just do one easy thing that is good for your health. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing! Have a protein rich breakfast, drink an extra glass of water, go for a walk after dinner – making a single positive change each day is brilliant!

Be Realistic

Eating a balanced diet doesn’t mean that you have to follow a specific plan for 100% of the time it needs to be flexible. There are going to be occasions that you want to eat chocolate cake and drink champagne and that’s great! Do it, enjoy it and then go back to your usual routine.

If you are struggling to keep your diet consistent then get in touch!

I offer personalised nutrition programmes and ongoing support to make sure that you are able to follow your eating plan long term.


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