5 Ways to Reduce Your Bread Intake

One food that often sabotages a healthy eating plan is the over consumption of bread.

 Despite the fact that I don’t eat wheat, I am not going to demonise bread! Like most foods it’s the type, quality and quantity consumed that’s important.

 A slice of toasted wholegrain sourdough with poached eggs and avocado is a very different meal to white toast and jam!

 A crusty white bread roll, baguette or doorstep of white toast could feel like a comforting food to eat but can have a significant impact your appetite, hunger and energy levels. 

 White bread is broken down and processed by the body quite quickly which means that it’s an easy food to overeat and we can feel hungry again quite soon after eating. This often results in a desire for more bread!

5 Ways to reduce your bread intake

 The nutrient level in white bread is extremely low when compared to other grains such as oats and brown rice and it contains very little fibre.

 The other symptom that some people experience after too much bread is that uncomfortable bloated feeling.

 5 Ways to Reduce Your Bread Intake

Change The Type Of Bread You Eat

Choose wholegrain sourdough, sprouted grain or pumpernickel type breads. These options contain more nutrients and are higher in fibre so you are less likely to overeat!

Make a Swap

Swap sandwiches for wholegrain wraps or have an open sandwich and make sure that there is more filling than bread. Or try roasted sweet potato alongside your usual sandwich filling.

 Go Bread Free 3 Times a Week

Include a few days a week where you don’t include bread, swap to other grains like quinoa, farro or bulgar wheat or choose roasted vegetables as the base for your meal. 

Don’t Eat Bread At Every Meal

If you had toast for breakfast, consider skipping bread at lunch and opt for a salad or a protein-packed bowl. For dinner, avoid bread-heavy sides like garlic bread and choose extra vegetables or a quinoa salad instead.

Snack Smart

Choose a different snack option – replace your go-to toast with apple and nut butter, yoghurt and berries or a handful of mixed nuts


And if you do eat a delicious slice of warm buttery toast every now and then? Savour it chew slowly and thoroughly and enjoy every single mouthful!

Remember, it's not about drastic changes but small, sustainable steps. By making mindful choices in your diet, you're not just nourishing your body; you're reclaiming control over your health. Here's to a healthier, more energetic you!

If you are looking for some alternatives to toast at breakfast please download my free eBook – Protein Rich Breakfast Ideas


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