Support Your Hormones With Nutrition

Female Health Consultations

Personalised nutrition advice to support you through the menopause transition

The menopause can be an unsettling time - the body goes through biological and physical changes and, for many of us, a variety of symptoms will come and go.

As you may have found some of these symptoms are not particularly pleasant

Fatigue, Mood swings, Poor sleep, Increased Abdominal Fat, Stubborn weight gain, Low energy, Brain fog….

I could go on!

The good news is that including the right balance of nutrients in your diet every day will support you through this stage of life so you can start to feel stronger, healthier and more in control.

Menopause can be a challenge but personalised nutrition advice will help you to develop a strategy that will combat and ease those unpleasant symptoms and start feeling like you again.

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Female Health Consultation - £165


1 hour initial appointment

Dietary and supplement review

30 Day email support

Follow up phone calls as necessary

Supplement Prescription with discount from supplier (if required)


“My worst menopause symptom was feeling exhausted – even after a good night’s sleep but I feel so much better now! I’m not using coffee and snacks to keep me going and definitely feel more alert and focussed during the day.” - Mrs Finchley

“Menopausal tummy fat was really getting me down but I’ve finally found a way of eating that keeps me full and helps me to lose weight” - D Weeks

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment I have a free eBook on Meal Planning for Menopause that you might find interesting - just click below to download

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Are you struggling with:

Stubborn weight gain

Abdominal Fat

Poor memory

Low energy

Food cravings

Trouble sleeping

Low moods

Digestive Complaints

These symptoms are just a few examples of how fluctuating hormones during the menopause transition can affect how we feel and look.

My personalised Female Health Nutrition Programme provides a step by step plan to help you rebalance your hormones and start feeling like you again.

 If you are looking to make a change to your diet and want to feel more energised, motivated, happier and in control of your weight please get in touch.


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As we transition through menopause the fluctuation and eventual decline in oestrogen changes how the body metabolises the food we eat. The interaction between our hormones is complex but the disruption that occurs during our 40s and 50s can impact body composition and weight.

Unfortunately, as we get older our body is not quite as metabolically flexible – which means that it’s not in such a rush to utilise the spare energy that we have stored away!

This change in metabolism combined with a loss of muscle mass, increase stress, poor sleep and maybe lower activity means that as we age we are more likely to gain weight and store it around our middle.

Making a few adjustments to your nutrition and lifestyle can help to reduce the impact of the menopause inflicted changes!

Get in touch if you would like some advice on how you can start to make some improvements today.