Why is it harder to lose weight as we get older?

You might have found that getting rid of a few excess pounds in your 20s and 30s was much easier! Perhaps you just had to cut down portion sizes a little bit and the number on the scales went down.

Unfortunately, as we get older, our body is not quite as metabolically flexible – which means that it’s not in such a rush to utilise the spare energy that is stored away!

Understanding the reasons behind gradual weight gain can help us to work with our body to reduce fat mass.

Here are a few areas that you might want to consider

1.      Hormones

As we transition through menopause the fluctuation and eventual decline in oestrogen changes how the body metabolises the food we eat. The interaction between our hormones is complex but the disruption that occurs during our 40s and 50s can impact body composition and weight.

2.     Muscle mass

Our muscles naturally start to break down in our 30s, after which we typically lose about 3-8% of our total body muscle per decade.  This loss in muscle is accelerated by the hormonal changes during menopause and inactivity. As muscles reduce fat tends to increase as the rate that the body removes fat slows down.

3.     Metabolism

Studies suggest that the combination of hormonal decline and reduced muscle mass affects our metabolism.  

4.     Stress

Having a busy life with numerous daily micro stressors can impact your weight loss attempts depending on your load of stress and how you are coping. The constant release of the hormone cortisol tells the body that we are in a fight or flight situation which can impact appetite, sleep, self regulation, metabolism and it can disrupt the other hormones.

5.     Sleep

Poor sleep has been linked to including decreased glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, increased evening concentrations of cortisol, decreased levels of leptin, and increased hunger and appetite. 

6.     And There’s More….

The reason we struggle with weight management is personal and often involves numerous lifestyle and dietary elements so it is important to focus on what is going to work for YOU. 

If you would like some support on your weight loss journey please get in touch – I offer a one month personalised programme that provides a framework for you to follow.

If you are not ready to start pop over to my free private Facebook group – we have weekly challenges, recipes and nutrition tips.




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