Have You Hit A Weight Loss Plateau?

A typical weight loss journey is not a straight path!

If you have ever lost weight you might have found that initially the pounds gradually disappear and you feel motivated and happy that your efforts are working!

But…..  after a few weeks or months everything slows down and weight loss becomes more difficult.

When we hit a ‘plateau’ it is tempting to reduce food intake even further but studies have shown that this can be counterproductive.

Over time the body can react to an energy deficit by decreasing our metabolic rate and increasing the production of the hunger hormone – ghrelin. So limiting food can mean that hunger goes up, weight stays the same and we are fed up!

A few ideas that might help:

Keep a food diary

Write down absolutely everything you eat or drink for a few days it might help you to see if there is an area that could be improved

Eat mindfully

Take your time and really think about how satiated you are. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry.

Monitor sleep and stress

Lack of sleep and constant stress can spike appetite for calorific foods and can also disrupt fat loss.

Be patient!

It took time to gain the weight and it will take time to lose it.

Be positive!

A healthy eating plan has numerous benefits – it’s not all about a number on the scales.

If you would like some help and support with your weight loss journey please get in touch. I work with women who are struggling with stubborn weight gain and offer a 30 day programme to help you lose weight, feel energised and balance your hormones with nutrition.


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