The Benefits Of Blood Sugar Balance

A few reasons why a healthy regulation of blood glucose is good for our long term health:

More Energy

Fatigue and decreased energy are associated with extreem highs and lows in blood sugar. Steady blood glucose will give the body a sustained supply of fuel resulting in stable energy levels.

Nutrition advice to help you balance your blood sugar sugar and lose weight

Less Fat Storage

Limiting the amount of time there is an excess of sugar in the blood means your body has less opportunity to store fat. People who have higher levels of blood glucose are more susceptible to weight gain.

Fewer Cravings

Low blood sugar triggers our brain to send messages telling us to eat something sweet or carbohydrate rich. It’s hard to ignore!

Stable Moods

Have you ever felt ‘hangry’? Falling blood sugar can cause irritation and moodiness! Diets that are high in processed foods and refined carbohydrate have been associated with higher instances of low mood and anxiety.

Better Sleep

High blood sugar levels before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep and may wake you during the night as your body tries to metabolise the excess sugar. Too low sugar is also a problem, you might wake during the night feeling anxious or worried.

Improved focus

The brain uses glucose as a fuel and if it falls our memory, attention, learning ability and focus are all negatively affected.

Controlled Appetite

If your blood glucose falls quickly you are likely to feel really hungry! It is difficult to ignore the body’s demand for food when blood sugar is low and there is a you might eat more than you need.

Lower inflammation

High blood glucose is linked to an increase in pro-inflammatory markers in the body.

Better long-term health

Fluctuating blood sugar levels can impact almost every system in the body. Taking control of the food we eat can have a positive impact on hormone regulation, mental health immunity, cardiovascular health and so much more.

If you are struggling - I can help! Personalised nutrition advice will show you how to make a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle that will keep your blood sugar nice and steady so you feel energised, focused and in control of your weight.

If you are looking for an easy place to start - include a protein rich breakfast every day – there are some delicious recipe ideas in my free eBook just click here and download today.

Caren Richards registered nutritionist providing personalised nutrition advice

How Does Blood Sugar Balance Work?

Our body needs 4g of sugar (that’s only 1 teaspoon!) in the blood for normal function, the level is carefully controlled by hormones.

If your blood sugar drops too quickly it can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as

dizziness, headaches, irritability, nausea, blurred vision, sweating & cravings

Problems can also occur if blood sugar levels become too high due to a process known as glycosylation. Symptoms include:

increased thirst / hunger, fatigue, increased urination (especially at night) & blurred vision

A healthy blood sugar balance occurs when the glucose in our blood stream rises after a meal and then decreases to the pre-meal level.

Some foods, such as refined carbohydrate, can cause blood sugar to rise sharply and then fall quickly to below the pre-meal level.

Focusing on the type and timing of our meals together with lifestyle factors such as exercise, sleep and stress will help to keep blood sugar levels balanced.

Please contact me to book onto my 30 day programme, which will be tailored to your health goals, and start making positive changes to your health today.


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