5 Reasons Why You Crave Sugar

We are constantly being bombarded with adverts for sweet foods and sometimes it is hard to resist. Here are a few things to look out for:


Persistent stress results in the release of a hormone called cortisol which increases appetite. Numerous studies have shown that stress increases our desire for sweet calorific foods. Using food like biscuits and cakes to relieve stress and lift mood can become a habit which is hard to break.

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Similar to stress lack of sleep can increase our hunger hormones particularly a hormone called ghrelin which causes us to eat more. Also when tired there is a tendency to reach for sweet foods for a quick energy fix.

 Skipping Meals

Going for a long period of time without food can cause blood sugar to drop and result in an intense craving for something sweet. This is your brain’s way of telling you to eat something – and quickly! 


Sugar has a powerful effect on the brain and stimulates the release of a neurotransmitter called serotonin which makes us feel happy. Once this pathway is formed some people can feel cravings for sugar when their mood is low as the body knows that a sugary treat will result in a temporary lift in mood.


Sometimes cravings are triggered by an external cue – for example if you always have a bar of chocolate in work at 3pm then your body (and brain!) is going to start to anticipate it and crave the chocolate if it doesn’t arrive! 

This list is by no means complete cravings can also be caused by our environment, disrupted gut bacteria, mineral deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and macro nutrient intakes.

It is common to struggle with a number of these issues at the same time. Identifying the underlying reason can help to reduce and, in time, eliminate the craving. 

If you would like help with your sugar cravings or you have any questions please get in touch


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